Soul to Sole

Kevins sock puzzle.

Now here is ONE committed coaching client!  His internal search for information and clarity about his life’s purpose and calling is mirrored on the outside. 🙂  During his session  I looked down, and noticed his socks.   How could one NOT? ” How fitting”, I said , “that you are putting the pieces of your life together and even your socks are mirroring that back to you!”

What fun our UNconscious mind can  have with us when we tune in and  notice.  The Universe has an enormous sense of humor.  Tune in today.  Have a good chuckle when you realize how it is “playing” with you!

Quick note,  Remember,  regarding  communication. (whether between the Universe and you , or you and  other people)  that only about  13% of what we communicate is vocal, the other 87% is through feelings, visual, attitude, body language, etc.

What is your Soul saying to YOU today?