Group Coaching; Heart Intelligence Style! May be YOUR way to “grow”!

I recently came back from a week of testing and Certification in Heart Intelligence Coaching. It’s a modality I really resonate with, enjoy and feel is very powerful in helping a person get in touch with what is REALLY going on within them and how to change from where they ARE to where they WANT to be in life.

How often have you heard that you already have all the answers you need within you? Well, you do!  But what if you don’t know you do or if you don’t know how to access them? Does no good then, does it.  Heart Intelligence Coaching supports you in learning how to access that vital space in your heart that does know what you want, or need and what you can do to begin to get there.

How many people do you know; maybe even yourself; who are living a lie of some sort? They may be just putting up with something, like a job they hate that doesn’t even pay well enough, or they may be living in a space that is somehow just not right, or with a person who is just not right anymore either. Lots of people like that. Staying STUCK, due to lack of awareness or knowledge, or FEAR of change.

Human beings don’t like change.  It requires alot from us to go through a change. First it means the LOSS of something we are familiar with; even if that familiar thing or person is causing us pain. It requires commitment to update all the details, paperwork, licensing, mail, etc. that we have in our lives. Maybe we have to learn new skills, go through additional schooling or training, learn how to cook more healthy or balance out our days more effectively.   It requires money at times; that we don’t feel we have to spend on the “change”, and ENERGY; God knows change takes some emotional energy as well as physically it can be very draining.

But if we do not invest in our own happiness; who will? If we do not step up to the plate in our own lives, who will? If we don’t love our self enough to tap into our heart and see what is needed; what we are thirsting for, no one else will, for sure.

Making the CHANGES that would free us up to DO, BE, and HAVE what we really want to DO, BE, and HAVE, takes COURAGE!  Yep!  Courage to FACE the FEAR of really dealing with the truth we have not wanted to see, or address. We maybe felt it’s tenticles wrapping around our hearts at times but quickly ignored it by focusing on something else. We diverted our attention so we would not have to face the truths that would hurt us; some of them pretty ugly. Some of them have wasted a good deal of precious time in our lives; depriving us from really living the light, joyful, prosperous and radiant life we were meant to live. Life was not meant to be a struggle.

We CAN change, however.  That is the GREAT NEWS!  It can be done alone if you are the type who reads  and integrates information well from a library full of self help and coaching, psych, or spiritual literature. That can take time, even if you are a voracious reader. It goes a lot faster with the support of a professional to guide you along. People in all walks of life from singers to swimmers to golfers to gymnasts have coaches; why would we think something as all inclusive as our own lives and all they encompass) would not????

I am currently setting up Group Coaching for people in my area who want to attend in person.  Also on “” where I can set up sessions for a group of 6; (5 plus me the coach.)  It works well either way. The programs will run for 6 weeks at a time.  Following are some benefits and information about how small group, Heart Intelligence Coaching works;

One huge benefit to participating in a Small  Group Coaching situation is that you receive the energy of what is called an “amplified field”. That means that as one individual is coached, (each session one person takes space and is coached on an issues that is up for them that they want to explore), the other 4 participants and I are united in keeping a loving and non judgmental focus on the one taking space. This energy enables the one speaking to tap deeper into their heart and access the information that is real truth, alive, important and JUICY. This happens only in the SAFETY of  a circle of people creating that resonant amplified field.

The listening participants also RECEIVE what in this modality is called “Medicine”…. meaning, there is often a lesson learned or truth awakened in them as well, because of the amplified field. It is an amazing process to experience. It surely has proven to me that there is an Intelligence far greater than any one of us has, that seems to be orchestrating positive growth, change and liberation for all involved. I have seen this at work hundreds of times now. And, I am IMPRESSED! and  CONVINCED! of the power of Small Group Coaching.

Another benefit is it keeps the cost down for everyone. One on one, private coaching can be $100-$150 a session which is usually about 90 minutes long. Group coaching is $30 per session.

If you are curious about being part of a small group coaching group, please contact me asap, as I am going to start these as soon as I attract enough people to begin.  You can reach me at my email address; jeanneprom at yahoo dot com. I will answer any questions you may have or concerns, etc.

So, think about it! This may be the opportunity you have been wanting, needing or waiting for to get yourself moving in a new or different direction!  This may be your call to FACE your FEARS and DO IT ANYWAY; (whatever the “it” is!)  Maybe you just want to get to know more about WHO you really are! Are you living the AUTHENTIC YOU? Feeling awesome, fulfilled, happy with your daily lifestyle, income, relationships and free time activities? Or, are you just getting by, hangin’ in there, hoping for something to happen to change your life?  (The thing about that is ; if you don’t do something different, not much will change; or worse yet, when change comes to you as a result of someone else’s choice, it may not feel too good or comfortable to you!

The real question here is; ARE YOU READY TO EMPOWER YOURSELF? TO BECOME THE REAL FULLY EXPRESSED YOU? If not, why not? What is keeping you stuck? What is keeping you small and disempowered? What or who is keeping you feeling incapable or less than deserving? ONLY YOU. Only you keep you down and ONLY YOU will get you UP; Empowered, living a JOYOUS , JUICY, life from that place of truth in your heart. You can choose that . You can choose to become Heart Intelligent! What is the alternative?

Something to think about!

Onward, Living Life Authentically…… 🙂


New Year Begins with a TEST, whoooooaaaaaa

Last November, 14 months ago, I signed up to do a year + work with Christian Pankhurst’s Accelerated Awakening Academy. This is a world class organization, where aspiring or working coaches and others working within the field of holistic health and wellness, have been studying, learning, working, traveling together under the support, teaching and mentoring of Christian.

In mid January, I will be tested with about 45 others from around the world as to how well I have “embodied” the model of Christian’s Heart Intelligence work. It will be in Dallas and is creating both anxiety and excitement, enthusiasm in me. It is energizing me, motivating me to study more the dozens and dozens of videos in my back office, to work with groups of other coaches on “Any Meeting dot Com”, working together to really INTEGRATE this model and information. It is pure excellence or I would not have signed up for the program.

I am into excellence. We human beings have been given so much to work with and mediocrity just does not sit well with me. Don’t you enjoy great music, great acting, great Olympic athletes, great sports figures, awesome teachers and motivational people, super scientists and physicists that have bettered the world in general and your world in particular. Well they come from the breed of people who also like excellence in whatever their field may be. Thank God for them. They have improved, saved, expanded our lives ENORMOUSLY.

One man that was particularly inspirational to me was an artist I met at the time of my divorce. He was the age of my father, so, about 75, and he had lived through the Holocaust. He was a Who’s Who in American Artists, artist, Herman Margulies. He befriended me, taught me how to use Sennelier Pastels to “paint” with, and we shared precious time together as we both healed from our divorces. Yes, he divorced his wife late in life. He had created 22 international patents. You have been the beneficiary of one of them I feel sure; the plastic syringe. My point; the mind focused on creating excellence instead of just doing what it takes to get by, being lazy, careless, or not motivated, can and does come up with GOODNESS, good ideas, gadgets, products, literature, remedies, techniques,etc, for ALL OF MANKIND.

My mentor, Christian Pankhurst, exudes excellence in all I have seen him do. He is SUCH a great role model for me.
What I have learned from this young man of 31, (which blows my mind that he could be who he is at that age) is valuable beyond money. I wish every human being in the world could, would, study his work from kindergarten up thru University. It is that important. Heart Intelligence is what he teachers.

Here are three different definitions of what Heart Intelligence is. Which one most resonates with you. Which one is it that speaks to you: I would love some feedback. Will you let me know? Here you go;
1. Heart Intelligence is a non-delineated art form comprised of three important life skills that enables you to move through life with more grace and ease.
2. Heart Intelligence is a set of skills, that when practiced, allows you to come into self-mastery in every area of your life, so that you can life the life of your dreams.
3. Heart Intelligence is a way of being, of knowing self and others so intimately that life is experienced as a series of joyful, enlightened moments.

Personally, I resonate with number 2. the best. That is the “visual” persons style of relating Heart Intelligence.
If you are more Auditory in the way you relate and learn in the world you would have selected number 1. If you are more touchy, feely in your way of experiencing the world, and the way you learn, number 3 would likely be your choice.

Would you let me know by leaving me some feedback? I would love hearing from you.

As always, ONWARD, to a more expanded, loving, joyfilled, fully expressed life,

Redesigning my life coaching niche

Just alittle update for those of you who follow my life coaching entries.

For the past 8 months I have been studying with the winner of Britain’s Top Coach, Christian Pankhurst.
The course is the best thing I could have done for myself and my current and upcoming clients. I am learning
from someone who has worked very hard on himself and has many gifts which enable him to communicate very effectively with others. He is extremely knowledgeable, has a fantastic sense of humor, is a strong leader, very attuned to the room and it’s participants on an energetic level. I am learning so much from him, and am very grateful that I attracted or magnetized him into my life with the Law of Attraction.

What is this “Law of Attraction”? It is one of the Universal Laws that keep this Universe running smoothly. Like the law of gravity. whether you believe in it or not, it is there, and working right now. If not neither you nor I would be sitting doing anything, we would be whirling around at a very fast speed further and further out into the cosmos.

So I attracted this wonderful course in Heart Intelligence. It is exciting to experience the shifts and changes within myself as I learn to “tune in” to my heart, and feel my way through things rather than depending upon my “thoughts” or “thinking” solely. I am sure you, too, realize that all those thoughts in your head can be confusing. You may not even know where they are coming from, for surely lots of them certainly don’t come from YOU! No, they don’t. They are just “out there” in the cosmic soup; the collective unconscious. The more people think thoughts, the more strong they get. The more strong they get the more they attract thoughts that support or are similar to those thoughts, so, you want to be real sure that you are thinking about what you WANT in your life, and not focusing upon that which you do not want.

Heart Intelligence help us connect with that information we carry deep within our hearts; that intuitive sense, that knowing without knowing how we know. When we tap into and connect with that heart intelligence we make better choices in our life which directly effects us and all those around us. It’s a very wise and good thing to practice doing. I say practice, as all life is a series of practices. The more we practice the better we get at it.

My heart lead me to taking a business course affiliated with the heart intelligence coaching course with the Accelerated Awakening Academy. I’m loving that too, and will soon be putting myself out into the world via 3 f*ree coaching videos about “How to Let GO of Pain and How to Manifest a Happier Life”. If you, or someone you know would benefit from them, please be aware that that gift is forthcoming. I will post it on here as well as on my facebook account, which is just under my name; jeanne prom. I’m very excited about all this as I have been wanting to develop this for years but was just not in the right space. NOW I AM! I love helping people feel better, to make positive changes in their lives, to feel good about themselves, to teach their little children good thought habits, so that we can all experience more love, far less stress, healthier bodies, creative minds and hands, and joyfilled hearts

I have much to do, but leave you with the words of Stuart Wilde, one of my favorite metaphysical writers;
“Life was not meant to be a Struggle” 🙂

Feedback is helpful. What would you like to read about in particular? What questions would you like me to answer from my coaching perspective? Let me know!

Please meet my mentor and Britain’s Top Coach, Christian Pankhurst!


Hello Everyone,  I’ve been studying with Christian since Oct, 2011. He is a MOST incredible individual.  As I complete 2012 and the Accelerated Awakening Academy, I will move forward with him and the globally  growing  Heart Intelligence Community. The people I have been meeting both in person, on skype and phone,  are all  working on mastering the creation of JOYfilled, Creative, Happy, really happy….. healthy lives.          Here is a video to give you a sample of why I am so excited, and becoming more enlightened every day….. stronger, more and more clear, happier, and authentic!

This video is part of a complimentary training that he’s giving away this week. Not only is offering free training through his value packed videoes, he’s also including downloadable worksheets, and live video broadcasts to answer your questions personally – all at NO cost!

Christian totally changed his life around using the powerful methods he describes in this video.
For example, he cured his asthma when the doctors said nothing could be done and broke free from his numbing depression and panic attacks after watching his best friend get brutally beaten.
All this by the time he was 21.
Ten years later he won the ‘Britain’s Next Top Coach’ award winning 52% of the votes from 91 different countries.
Today his focus is on one thing: Helping you accelerate your personal awakening through expanding what he calls your ’emotional-energetic range’ so that you can step more into your greatness and authentic potential, giving yourself permission to be fully YOU.


Christian followed his heart to sell all of his possessions, quit his well paying job as a Chiropractor and leave his home behind to pursue a deeper calling to share a message of personal and collective awakening.

Today, Christian works with committed individuals who want to take their personal development journey to a whole new level who are passionate to master themselves and their relationships.
I just heard about Christian last year when he really started playing big. Out of nowhere he was online everywhere making an impact in people’s lives all around the world.
But what makes him unique, is how he does all this from the heart… you can really feel his authenticity and ‘realness’ from this video, and you’ll be glad you took the time to watch it.
Enjoy the video and take notes. Trust me, it’s worth the optin.

I have never been more sure of myself or my path, and know, that you , too, would benefit from learning more about what Christian and all his Coaching work is about.

Love, Jeanne

P.S. Christian’s video — especially the bit about ‘Embodied Awareness’ is amazing. He says he’s taking questions on the blog, so watch and comment. No wonder this guy is showing up everywhere! He’s sure got some recognition:
— Neale Donald Walsch, author of ‘Conversations with God’ said “Christian knows how to articulate these messages as well as, if not better than I do. He is a profound source of clarity and understanding of the richness and depth of this material”

Heart Intelligence; What is it?

Tej Steiner is the original teacher of Heart Circles. I have been learning Heart Intelligence from Christian Pankhurst, winner of Britain’s Next Top Coach, in his Accelerated Awakening Academy Course .

It is all about tuning into the knowledge that your heart holds. Your intimate, personal truth, that only you possess.  By accessing this truth, you can begin to integrate and live out a truly authentic life. No more living from “conditioning”, no more living what someone “else” wants or thinks is best for you, but living out your truth; TRUTH.

When you come from a place of Heart Intelligence, you are empowered. No one can take your truth away from you.   No one can make you doubt yourself. You no longer need to live in fear, fear others or their choices, or allow them to dis-empower you in any way. When  you come from your “head” , that is not the case. Being too much in your head can lead to what some term “analysis paralysis”….. where you think wwwwaaaaayyyyy too much, and still usually make the choice that is not most beneficial to yourself or others.  Too much ego gets involved with the heady intellect.

How do you access Heart Intelligence? By coming into a place of “FEELING”.  You must make the shift from your head and all that thinking, thinking, thinking, to your heart, where you can feeeeeeellllllll.  What will you feel? I don’t know, but when you take the time to give  your heart a chance to speak, it will be only honest with you. Your tongue may lie, but your heart always speaks the truth. Maybe your heart desires for you to be “held” by the strong, supportive embrace of someone, maybe it wants to walk out in nature alone for a while, maybe it wants a hot fudge sunday….

I don’t know your heart, but I know mine better and better as the days pass. Now I tune into my heart often; many times a day, and ask; “what next?”, “where do I go next? to what piece of work or to which physical place or to what person”. My desire is for everything thing I do to come from my heart; not from conditioning or worse yet some kind of dispassionate “obligation”. How untrue would I be to MYSELF if I have to force or discipline myself to do that which does not come from love? How fake, how Un-Authentic, how totally useless.

Heart Intelligence is kind and loving and nurturing and expansive. Heart Intelligence allows for personal growth, for everyone. Those not growing in deeper spiritual ways yet, may not understand it, therefore may suffer due to lack of knowledge and understanding; from things perceived with the lenses of their multiple dysfunctions. But one day we will all grow to the same place of unity.

How long will that take? I don’t know that either, but if you are familiar with the 100th Monkey Concept, it could be soon. For now, I would encourage you to order Tej Steiner’s book about Heart Circles, as well as look up Christian Pankhurst on youtube for more info on Heart Intelligence. Tej’s book is an , easy, practical read that will, no doubt change your life, as it is doing mine. I have felt more LOVE in my heart since being exposed to this practice, than ever before in my life, and am now sharing it with my coaching clients with great results.

Questions? Email me at ;