The “right” people find me! We “attract” each other, according to a bigger plan than ours!

It is interesting to me, how the “Universe”, or what I would also call “The Divine”, “Spirit” , “Source” or GOD :), works!

We can have an intention and work to manifest that, and somehow, the Divine gently swirls things around and manifests an
even more desired intention, without any effort on our part. for example; I’ve gone numerous times to do one thing
at a given location and learn that I was really guided there by Spirit, for a higher purpose.

That is how it seems my clients and I are brought together. They come in the strangest ways, from places near and far.
Wouldn’t it seem they would be the ones right in front of me, who I see and feel struggling daily with the negative,
fearful, destructive and untruthful limiting beliefs they still carry? Oh, that would be wonderful for them and for
me, but that does not seem to be the way my clients come in.

It is more of an “invisible” thing. A soul who is really ready for growth mysteriously attracts me, and I them.
A soul who knows it is time for change and and something or someone new to come into their lives and I connect.
Of course, they may not know this; but nothing “new” will come in until the “old” concepts, beliefs they have
are “identified” consciously and weeded OUT! Then, replaced with very personalized, heartfelt and unique
yet “attainable” thoughts, beliefs, are created, and imaged. This is a process that is done over and over. A “practice”!

A “practice” is developed over time and repeated until perfect. So, coaching anyone as they discover and create their
new desired outcome, lifestyle, relationships, health regimes, spiritual awakening, etc, is a process that the client
integrates until he or she no longer needs the support of the coach but is totally capable of self coaching. That is
a life long process, but it sure beats the alternative which is to bumble along, making one “un”conscious decision after
another and suffering the results! The people that I work with are capable of the commitment it takes to create change.
They know the value of their time, effort and the short term financial investment, and the lifelong results in will bring.

The people that I attract and that are attracted to me are, for one; READY. Ready to commit to making positive changes
in their lives. They are ready to give up what no longer is working in their lives, and excited about finding new, creative
ways to allow JOY and enthusiasm IN! They are tired of the mundane, day to day, dry drudgery, and ready for the
Universal Energy and Flow, or what we in Heart Intelligence Coaching call “THE JUICE”!

So, how is your life? Juicy and Joyous? Have you realized yet that; here on this gorgeous planet, (that we with our
unconscious and poor decisions have just about ruined)…. that…..We are here to experience JOY!!!!! YES! Wow,
What a concept, eh? “Life was not meant to be a struggle”, says Stuart Wilde, world renowned author and metaphysical teacher.
(Stuart recently died; our loss, but he left 20 great books for us all to find and read when we are ready to stop suffering 🙂 )

My clients are ready for the JUICE and the JOY! They may (or may NOT!) have good careers, wonderful families, children, or spouses, and even
good health or good “enough” health, but they are still lacking the juice and joy. Why? Because they are not connected to their
authentic passions in a meaningful way. They may not even be in-touch with themselves enough to know what their real desires in
life are. They are just now realizing “something” isn’t right. Life just does not feel happy, good, fulfilling or rewarding.
Maybe they are low energy, tired of the same ole’, same ole. They may feel down a bit, or even “depressed” over certain conditions,
and are finally motivated to take ACTION. Without doing something new and different; nothing will change. (Remember, if you keep
doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting!)

I can say that whenever and wherever I bump into my next client, it is an exciting moment for me to realize that I will be
watching a most WONDERFUL AWAKENING of another human being, as they evolve and open up to the EXCITING, NEW LIFE that offers
OPTIONS they never before considered or thought of. It makes me feel so good to be PART of helping that person FIND their
NEW LIFE PATH and the JOY that they will find on that JOURNEY! The more of us that find our right paths, the more JOY we can
emanate out to others and boy , this world needs every one of us who is ready to AWAKEN to the Bigger Truths of who we really
are and why we are here. Coaching is a real direct path to SELF DISCOVERY and EXPANSION! I keep using the work JOY or JOYFUL
because it IS!!!!!!! To move from where you are, to where you would RATHER BE…… WOW….. WOW….. WOW! Talk about being LIBERATED!!!

Today, I am excited because I know to TRUST that the “right” people and I are being brought together in perfect ways. Ways beyond
my planning or projecting. Ways beyond my linear, left brain’s marketing. FUN ways, odd ways, mysterious way, but all ways of the
Divine. I love it! I trust it.

Wishing you all a very good “life”, as Stuart says….. why only say, “have a good day, when we can say, have a good LIFE”. Why
limit our good wishes to anyone, about anything.

May it ALL be good with and for you, now and all days!

Life Coaching Information: a current Recap;

I believe I have covered all the basic questions a prospective client, or curious person may have about life coaching in the posts to the right hand side of this blog. Just scroll down a little bit and you will see categories regarding different aspects of coaching.

If you still have questions AFTER reading these posts,  just email me at jeanneprom at yahoo dot com.  I’ll get right back to you.

You may also enjoy connecting with me over Skype or the phone, to ask questions, or to “feel/see” if you have a resonant connection with me, my personality, energy, and methods of working with clients.

I would be happy to do a  sample session with you to help you determine if you are really ready to make significant, positive changes in your life and to work towards that end with me.  Coaching is a process, as with anything worth achieving in life; it takes consistent “work”, but ………………… the work is FUN, and exciting, because you are learning more and more about YOU and how to be MORE and MORE authentic in all aspects of your life!  You will experience more energy, being real, than trying to navigate life incognito :). You remember the words “and the Truth will set you FREE”, right? Well, the TRUTH of YOU, is really quite spectacular once you uncover it.

And you do that in the coaching by identifying Core Beliefs in  the areas of 1. Self Esteem, 2. Self Responsibility, 3. Flowing with Change, 4. Trusting in the Universe and, 5. Positive Attitude.  Then taking these and shifting the old limiting core beliefs, that are no longer serving you and creating NEW, very personalized, energized and meaningful to YOU, affirmations. These are then applied to the 7 major life areas of ; 1. Your Emotions, 2. Your Relationships, 3. Your Body, 4. Your Work/Career, 5. Your Finances, 6. Your Sensuality/Sexuality, and 7. Your Spirituality.

As you become more conscious of what is really going on with you, and within you , and realize you have many more choices you can make, You begin to FEEL BETTER, stronger, more empowered in making decisions,  in dealing with people at home , work or in the community. You are COMFORTABLE in your own body. Your confidence shows and attracts better conditions and stronger, healthier personalities into your circles of influence.  Strength in one area can flow over into other areas of your life. You see a myriad of possibilities opening up and have the faith that you can  have things you never before thought possible. You live in an “I CAN” world.

I can have that. I deserve that. I can heal. I can shift from where I am to where I want to be and AM DOING IT NOW!  I have what it takes within me. I have the confidence I need to go here, do that, speak with him/her, apply for that position. I live in the “field of pure potentiality” that Deepak Chopra speaks of, and all things are possible. I am only limited by my own beliefs and perceptions, and so, I an learning to  “track” myself, all my bodies; my mental, emotional, physical, energetic, higher self, for what is really going on at any moment in time and using that information to lead me to my next best choice or decision.

Life Coaching is really FOR everyone, but not everyone is ready for it. If you are, you will know it and be guided to the coach that is best suited for you and your personality and process.

I love doing this work. I chose it because it has helped me change alot in a very positive way. It still does. Like I said; it’s a process. I enjoy helping to FREE others up. Helping to “liberate” someone from stagnation, pain, suffering, monotony (in a world that has endless ways to experience joy and wonder, excitement and intellectual growth, love and healing) gives me a good good feeling. It is exciting to see someone emerge from their own self imposed darkness into the LIGHT of consciousness and awareness, where really, it’s all good. All the lessons and situations have their reason for happening, and the more “enlightened” we become, the more easily we can navigate and enjoy this life.  When we are enjoying our life, those wonderful high vibes we send out effect everyone and everything around us in a positive way. The world needs as many people as possible to awaken to the Truth of who they are, and to BE IT.

Yes, ENJOY, “in-joy” we can live. How cool is THAT!  One of my favorite authors, Stuart Wilde, author of 20 books on spiritual growth and metaphysics, wrote one book entitled, “Life was not meant to be a Struggle”. (I recommend it, and all his books.)  And I so agree; Life was NOT meant to be a Struggle, soooooooooooooo, think about how much longer you want to struggle, lol; OR NOT!  Think, or … more importantly FEEL into whether life coaching may be the way for YOU to get off the hamster wheel of mediocrity and get onto the highway of happiness….. being the real you , doing what makes the real you feel GREAT!

I am always happy to help untangle you from the “wheel”, and guide you to the “Highway of Happiness”…….

It’s been said you cannot lead someone out of the darkness if you have not been there. At 64, I have been in some inky dark places and yet today, I stand in the light.  I am not afraid of going back into the darkness to escort you OUT….. as I know, in my  heart; all that darkness is really an illusion. It’s a tool used by the Universe to help us turn to the LIGHT with our own FREE WILL. It is only when we experience the “contrast” that we really really get to know what it is we want.

What do you want today?

Group Coaching; Heart Intelligence Style! May be YOUR way to “grow”!

I recently came back from a week of testing and Certification in Heart Intelligence Coaching. It’s a modality I really resonate with, enjoy and feel is very powerful in helping a person get in touch with what is REALLY going on within them and how to change from where they ARE to where they WANT to be in life.

How often have you heard that you already have all the answers you need within you? Well, you do!  But what if you don’t know you do or if you don’t know how to access them? Does no good then, does it.  Heart Intelligence Coaching supports you in learning how to access that vital space in your heart that does know what you want, or need and what you can do to begin to get there.

How many people do you know; maybe even yourself; who are living a lie of some sort? They may be just putting up with something, like a job they hate that doesn’t even pay well enough, or they may be living in a space that is somehow just not right, or with a person who is just not right anymore either. Lots of people like that. Staying STUCK, due to lack of awareness or knowledge, or FEAR of change.

Human beings don’t like change.  It requires alot from us to go through a change. First it means the LOSS of something we are familiar with; even if that familiar thing or person is causing us pain. It requires commitment to update all the details, paperwork, licensing, mail, etc. that we have in our lives. Maybe we have to learn new skills, go through additional schooling or training, learn how to cook more healthy or balance out our days more effectively.   It requires money at times; that we don’t feel we have to spend on the “change”, and ENERGY; God knows change takes some emotional energy as well as physically it can be very draining.

But if we do not invest in our own happiness; who will? If we do not step up to the plate in our own lives, who will? If we don’t love our self enough to tap into our heart and see what is needed; what we are thirsting for, no one else will, for sure.

Making the CHANGES that would free us up to DO, BE, and HAVE what we really want to DO, BE, and HAVE, takes COURAGE!  Yep!  Courage to FACE the FEAR of really dealing with the truth we have not wanted to see, or address. We maybe felt it’s tenticles wrapping around our hearts at times but quickly ignored it by focusing on something else. We diverted our attention so we would not have to face the truths that would hurt us; some of them pretty ugly. Some of them have wasted a good deal of precious time in our lives; depriving us from really living the light, joyful, prosperous and radiant life we were meant to live. Life was not meant to be a struggle.

We CAN change, however.  That is the GREAT NEWS!  It can be done alone if you are the type who reads  and integrates information well from a library full of self help and coaching, psych, or spiritual literature. That can take time, even if you are a voracious reader. It goes a lot faster with the support of a professional to guide you along. People in all walks of life from singers to swimmers to golfers to gymnasts have coaches; why would we think something as all inclusive as our own lives and all they encompass) would not????

I am currently setting up Group Coaching for people in my area who want to attend in person.  Also on “” where I can set up sessions for a group of 6; (5 plus me the coach.)  It works well either way. The programs will run for 6 weeks at a time.  Following are some benefits and information about how small group, Heart Intelligence Coaching works;

One huge benefit to participating in a Small  Group Coaching situation is that you receive the energy of what is called an “amplified field”. That means that as one individual is coached, (each session one person takes space and is coached on an issues that is up for them that they want to explore), the other 4 participants and I are united in keeping a loving and non judgmental focus on the one taking space. This energy enables the one speaking to tap deeper into their heart and access the information that is real truth, alive, important and JUICY. This happens only in the SAFETY of  a circle of people creating that resonant amplified field.

The listening participants also RECEIVE what in this modality is called “Medicine”…. meaning, there is often a lesson learned or truth awakened in them as well, because of the amplified field. It is an amazing process to experience. It surely has proven to me that there is an Intelligence far greater than any one of us has, that seems to be orchestrating positive growth, change and liberation for all involved. I have seen this at work hundreds of times now. And, I am IMPRESSED! and  CONVINCED! of the power of Small Group Coaching.

Another benefit is it keeps the cost down for everyone. One on one, private coaching can be $100-$150 a session which is usually about 90 minutes long. Group coaching is $30 per session.

If you are curious about being part of a small group coaching group, please contact me asap, as I am going to start these as soon as I attract enough people to begin.  You can reach me at my email address; jeanneprom at yahoo dot com. I will answer any questions you may have or concerns, etc.

So, think about it! This may be the opportunity you have been wanting, needing or waiting for to get yourself moving in a new or different direction!  This may be your call to FACE your FEARS and DO IT ANYWAY; (whatever the “it” is!)  Maybe you just want to get to know more about WHO you really are! Are you living the AUTHENTIC YOU? Feeling awesome, fulfilled, happy with your daily lifestyle, income, relationships and free time activities? Or, are you just getting by, hangin’ in there, hoping for something to happen to change your life?  (The thing about that is ; if you don’t do something different, not much will change; or worse yet, when change comes to you as a result of someone else’s choice, it may not feel too good or comfortable to you!

The real question here is; ARE YOU READY TO EMPOWER YOURSELF? TO BECOME THE REAL FULLY EXPRESSED YOU? If not, why not? What is keeping you stuck? What is keeping you small and disempowered? What or who is keeping you feeling incapable or less than deserving? ONLY YOU. Only you keep you down and ONLY YOU will get you UP; Empowered, living a JOYOUS , JUICY, life from that place of truth in your heart. You can choose that . You can choose to become Heart Intelligent! What is the alternative?

Something to think about!

Onward, Living Life Authentically…… 🙂


How I find my Clients! …. and more about Life Coaching ….

Good Morning!

Actually, I feel that the Universe brings the clients TO ME, knowing I am likely the coach or person who can be of most service to them at this particular time in their “earthly journey”. The connections can come about in all sorts of different ways; usually when I am not “trying” to find a client. (That never seems to work!!! ) When I am simply BEING myself, in a calm, peaceful yet energized state, I seem to attract the right people. That goes for not only clients, but the right people to do other business with, or to become more friendly with.

In preparation for a week long life coaching seminar and additional Certification in Heart Intelligence, (with Christian Pankhurst, my mentor for the past 14 months, and the creator of Heart Intelligence Academy, as well as winner of Britain’s Next Top Coach) I felt it was time for a manicure and pedicure! My point? It is a typical example of how clients find me,and we are connected. It happens like this;

I was having an enjoyable time at the salon meeting some new people. Two adorable Korean children were so cute I couldn’t help engaging with them. Little girl at 9 months and her “Big Brother”, who looked about 2. As a relatively new Grandma myself, I seem to have “tuned in” to the little ones a bit more these days. And then there were the
identical twins, who just had hit the big “11”. Sweet young gals. Pleasant, polite, and fun to chat with. Their lovely Mother joined them after a time, and we all chatted. About twins, school, neighborhoods, growing up, and my career came up as well. The mother of the twins then mentioned how a friend of hers has seriously been considering hiring a life coach! That is just how it happens, a connection was made! What will help with this possibility is that I offer a free consultation to potential clients so we can see if it is a good “match” of personalities and style.
It also lets me know whether a person if fully, wholeheartedly committed. Do they really want positive change? Are they really really ready? So there is nothing to lose by having a free consultation!

Funny how most people I meet and share my profession with, usually either have been thinking about hiring a life coach or know someone who needs one. (Personally, I think most people DO need one at some time in their life. Why would we think that coaching is only for sports, music, public speaking, etc? WHAT ABOUT DAILY LIVING? That IS where most people seem to have the most trouble, or, shall we say, “challenges”!)

Unfortunately we do not get taught in elementary school, middle school or high school…… or COLLEGE, how to deal with the real basic things we humans have to deal with our entire lives; our EMOTIONS, our THOUGHTS, our Spiritual growth, care of our bodies nutritionally and with some consistent choice of exercise or practice. We likely do not get taught the essentials at home either, as no one taught them to our parents. Yes, the world IS changing, and more practical things are beginning to be taught, but, yeeeeee Gods and Little Fishes , as my Mom used to say, It’s about time!!!!! You can’t start this type of healthy thinking and living too soon, in my opinion.

I am talking about learning HOW to KNOW Ourselves. Not just our name and image of that body in the mirror we either love or loathe, but WHO We REALLY ARE in our “wholeness”. When we really know ourselves, we can make far far better choices in life, thus saving ourselves alot of anguish, pain, sorry, resentment, and lost time. To learn who we really are and begin to be able to take care of those needs in a healthy way, we need to learn how to TRACK the different layers or levels of ourselves.

Tracking means to take time to be still and see what really is going on or “moving” within our Body, our Emotions, our Vital Force on a Cellular Level, Our Higher Self/Intuition/ Connection to the Divine (your spirit guides, guardian angel, inner wisdom, whatever you wish to call it). What are we experiencing in our Environment at this time, or in general, our immediate world; the “bigger world” or sense we carry concerning the global situations. And finally what is our “Witness” noticing about all of this?

We need to learn how to gather the information from all these levels and to determine from that what is really the deep need, the truth of what the individual wants or needs to have in order to move forward into a more fulfilling, happy place. The better we know ourselves the better we can know others, too. And, we can make better choices because we are basing them on a conscious awareness of our real true needs. From this space of truth we can move forward in life with ease and joy. We can stop living a lie. We can stop using up precious energy trying to fool ourselves and others about who we are. How much LIGHTER our lives can be. How Liberating! Wow, free to explore new people, places and things from an open and available emotional place. No baggage, no emotional or mental clutter, no confusion, or perpetual procrastination, but FREEDOM.

Our True Essence is that of LOVE. We may have it covered up with layers and decades worth of lies and illusions we “bought” about ourselves, but once we begin to gently, carefully, lovingly release or let go of these misperceptions, we begin to get a more and more clear and deeply empowered vision of who we REALLY are. Once we step into our “authenticity”, and really “embody” it, we are just bursting with goodness, vitality and life. We become unstoppable and deeply involved with our passions and people we resonate with and love. We become more Light in the world, and dispell more darkness!!!!!

So if and when you meet a person, be it a life coach or anyone else; they may very well be the one you are being shown, by the Universe, to work with next in your life. One thing is for sure; and I bet you have heard this before;
If you keep doing what you have been doing; you will keep getting what you have been getting!”

Where are you in life today? How is the financial segment of your life? Happy with it? Or your health; is it the best you have felt in years or do you need to make some adjustments, delete some “stuff” and add some good replacements.
And your career; are you in a place where you love getting up and going to work; you would do it even if you didn’t get paid? The commute and people you work with are fantastic; you are all supportive and kind to each other? Oh, and then we can consider our relationships, in particular the ones that we call “Intimate”. How’s that going for you?
If you are deeply satisfied, and at peace with what is, feeling fulfilled and growing, your love is expanding and you are being treated with the love and respect you deserve, that is FANTASTIC! If not, life coaching works wonders for relationship issues be they dealing with the biggest relationship you have; the one with Yourself! And then the other relationships; the intimate ones, the children, work associates, aging parents, etc.

Lots of questions, I know. But…. you will never be really authentically happy unless you grow out of the doldrums you may be experiencing in any area of your life. To grow, you must ask the Right Questions! Sometimes it helps to have another person assist you with this; since you have probably been rotating the same OLD questions around your head for ages, and have not come up with the right answer. So….

Is 2013 the year for YOU to ask yourself New Questions? Think about it! And, if you decide you want to learn more about life coaching, please contact me and we will agree upon a time to do a complimentary session.

In the meanwhile, I wish for everyone, everyone……
Peace and Love

The STORM, “Sandy”…. in YOUR life

“Sandy” the storm of the Century and Beyond, has really done a job on our east coast of the USA.

Daily, we are all hearing about new scenarios, all very sad and difficult in their own unique ways.

New stories are emerging with people I meet, with emails I open, and sharings from Facebook connections.

As the days go by, some situations are worsening as the real damage is realized, assessed and acted upon
or; “not” acted upon for any number of valid reasons.

Dirty germy water, water and fire destroyed homes, parts of homes, cars, garbage, animals and I am sure there will be
discoveries of people that did not evacuate, or were caught in elevators, or just out wandering in the streets “unaware”. Yes, some I am sure, were still “unaware” for one reason or another. Not being PRESENT in their own minds or bodies.

But, I have a sense that even if you were not personally effected by the storm, that “Collectively” you may
be feeling the loss, the pain and suffering of those who have. We are all part of the human race and all part of each other.

What can I do to help, is the question I am asking myself now. Even if it is something small, it is something, and
if we all did something small it would become something big. There must be many different kinds of needs from
money to food to clothing, and prayer, of course.

As the world experiences more and more of these natural and unnatural calamities, the world seems to be shrinking, doesn’t it? It’s all beginning to effect ALL.

With and without Sandy the Storm, I know many who are going through their very own personal storm. They have not named it perhaps, but it’s raging nevertheless. It could be the storm of divorce, loss of a job, career, loss or change in one’s health or capabilities, or a move that has been difficult.

We can learn to weather our personal storms if we reach out for support, help, or guidance. Often we do need to ask, or the help won’t come. It can come in many forms. Limitless, and unexpected forms. Exciting and happy, freeing ways.

I have found my life coaching associates to be a huge comfort and source of strength as I go through and have gone through certain life challenges that I found difficult and a bit frightening to go through alone. This is one reason why I chose to become a life coach back 10 years ago, with The Empowerment Institute out of Rhinebeck, New York. It is why I chose to expand my knowledge and skills with Heart Intelligence work with Christian Pankhusrt and his Accelerated Awakening Academy last year.

Coaching is a relatively new and expanding field of work, and it is soooo needed in our world. So many people are dissatisfied, unfulfilled, not earning enough or enjoying enough, not partnering with appropriate people on an intimate or business level, and feeling energetically depleted, exhausted and bummed out in general. Stess is at an all time high, and people’s health is deteriorating.

The GREAT NEWS is that much of this can be turned around in the coaching process/practice. New ways to look at life can be extremely liberating and empowering. And, it does not have to take years to change your direction from what you don’t like to what you DO like. It just takes PRACTICING some new ways of thinking. But first, you have to learn the new ways! And one of the most important ways is to get in touch with your HEART…. and FEEL what is really, really going on in there, and then to take action based upon those feelings. Inspired action, in a new direction.

If you want to learn more about Coaching in general, Heart Intelligence Coaching, or Core Beliefs Coaching, and even take advantage of a complimentary session with me, you can contact me at my email address; and we will talk and set something up over the phone or on Skype. I love this work and look forward to meeting the new people who are curious about how they can begin to create a life of passion, juice, energy, and of their dreams!

Life Empowerment Coaching; my personal experience

I have been a late bloomer in some ways. It took a lot of  what I now KNOW to be unnecessary struggle and pain to realize that I have power! Yes! We all do, but if you aren’t aware of it or in touch with it, it will not be much help to you.
My journey included my college major in Psychology and Art, masters work in art therapy and then almost a dozen certifications in human potential type modalities and methods. I am currently enrolled in a fantastic global program with Christian Pankhurst, Britain’s Top Coach, learning powerful   ways to open my heart more to my own and my clients personal evolution/growth.
I read mostly non fiction as I find it far more fascinating than thoughts from some other person’s imagination. ( Nothing wrong of course, with that or imagination, but I prefer to learn useful info that can bring healing to me and then others). Being a seeker of answers has been a predominant part of my soul’s journey, so whether it is a book, seminar, talk, cd, video, class, workshop or whatever, if it’s on a topic of interest to me, I do what I can to partake in the information sharing.
I needed healing, which is why I became a seeker and who I am.  We all need healing. One by one, we come to a place in our lives where we finally realize this. Some sooner, some later.  Maybe some, next lifetime.
I became a Life Coach about 10 years ago.  It was that door opening , unexpectedly, that was the niche I had been looking for. A way I could be who I was, authentically and professionally. It was a perfect fit.
 My desire is to attract the clients that are really ready to move forward in their lives in positive ways.  Only committed, courageous people who are willing to look with an open  and expanding mind and heart will get the full and continued benefit of the 12 week Life Empowerment Program.

New URL for Updated BLOG;

Well, I have successfully locked myself out of my former blog, by not remembering my username and password correctly.

Not even repeated emails  to wordpress have brought me one answer as to how to get into my former back office. Not one.

So, I am getting the message that it was time to shift over to a new site; new blog and revise, renew, redesign everything!

Within a few days  I will have up my basic information about the Life Coaching 12 Week Program I have been working with

for the past 10 years, AND, information about the NEW fabulous program I am taking now, which I am beginning to

incorporate into this “Awakening Process”;  Heart Intelligence; taught by the winner of Britian’s Top coach. It is SUCH a powerful

way to help us human beings get into our hearts, where the truth always is, where once we REALIZE what the truth is, we

can move forward into an authentic. empowered, happier, more creative , healthier way of living life and being in relationship to ourself and

everyone around us. The changes can be so freeing and liberating, you may not be able to currently realize the places you’ll go! Why stay stuck on

“YOUR dot, the dot of your past”… when  you have the option to shift as quickly as you are ready; into a whole, and I mean  WHOLE new future

Tune in soon to read all about life coaching, as I facilitate it. And, think about this quote;  “An unexplored life is not worth living”!!!!!