New Year Begins with a TEST, whoooooaaaaaa

Last November, 14 months ago, I signed up to do a year + work with Christian Pankhurst’s Accelerated Awakening Academy. This is a world class organization, where aspiring or working coaches and others working within the field of holistic health and wellness, have been studying, learning, working, traveling together under the support, teaching and mentoring of Christian.

In mid January, I will be tested with about 45 others from around the world as to how well I have “embodied” the model of Christian’s Heart Intelligence work. It will be in Dallas and is creating both anxiety and excitement, enthusiasm in me. It is energizing me, motivating me to study more the dozens and dozens of videos in my back office, to work with groups of other coaches on “Any Meeting dot Com”, working together to really INTEGRATE this model and information. It is pure excellence or I would not have signed up for the program.

I am into excellence. We human beings have been given so much to work with and mediocrity just does not sit well with me. Don’t you enjoy great music, great acting, great Olympic athletes, great sports figures, awesome teachers and motivational people, super scientists and physicists that have bettered the world in general and your world in particular. Well they come from the breed of people who also like excellence in whatever their field may be. Thank God for them. They have improved, saved, expanded our lives ENORMOUSLY.

One man that was particularly inspirational to me was an artist I met at the time of my divorce. He was the age of my father, so, about 75, and he had lived through the Holocaust. He was a Who’s Who in American Artists, artist, Herman Margulies. He befriended me, taught me how to use Sennelier Pastels to “paint” with, and we shared precious time together as we both healed from our divorces. Yes, he divorced his wife late in life. He had created 22 international patents. You have been the beneficiary of one of them I feel sure; the plastic syringe. My point; the mind focused on creating excellence instead of just doing what it takes to get by, being lazy, careless, or not motivated, can and does come up with GOODNESS, good ideas, gadgets, products, literature, remedies, techniques,etc, for ALL OF MANKIND.

My mentor, Christian Pankhurst, exudes excellence in all I have seen him do. He is SUCH a great role model for me.
What I have learned from this young man of 31, (which blows my mind that he could be who he is at that age) is valuable beyond money. I wish every human being in the world could, would, study his work from kindergarten up thru University. It is that important. Heart Intelligence is what he teachers.

Here are three different definitions of what Heart Intelligence is. Which one most resonates with you. Which one is it that speaks to you: I would love some feedback. Will you let me know? Here you go;
1. Heart Intelligence is a non-delineated art form comprised of three important life skills that enables you to move through life with more grace and ease.
2. Heart Intelligence is a set of skills, that when practiced, allows you to come into self-mastery in every area of your life, so that you can life the life of your dreams.
3. Heart Intelligence is a way of being, of knowing self and others so intimately that life is experienced as a series of joyful, enlightened moments.

Personally, I resonate with number 2. the best. That is the “visual” persons style of relating Heart Intelligence.
If you are more Auditory in the way you relate and learn in the world you would have selected number 1. If you are more touchy, feely in your way of experiencing the world, and the way you learn, number 3 would likely be your choice.

Would you let me know by leaving me some feedback? I would love hearing from you.

As always, ONWARD, to a more expanded, loving, joyfilled, fully expressed life,

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kim
    Jan 13, 2013 @ 22:29:26

    Hello my friend,
    happy New Year!!!
    Great post, and I am a #3 I think with a little bit of 2 just for being different!


    • Jeanne Prom: Stress Relief Coach
      Jan 22, 2013 @ 00:15:08

      Hey there Kim, Been thinking of you! Just returned from Dallas; 6 days of
      intense training and certification for Heart Intelligence Coaching. Been
      studying it for the past 14 months with Christian Pankhurst, the creator
      and teacher/mentor for many of us from around the globe. It was a fantastic
      week that called forth alot from each one of us, but boy was it rich with
      experience we could not get anywhere else. See you soon, I hope!


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