The STORM, “Sandy”…. in YOUR life

“Sandy” the storm of the Century and Beyond, has really done a job on our east coast of the USA.

Daily, we are all hearing about new scenarios, all very sad and difficult in their own unique ways.

New stories are emerging with people I meet, with emails I open, and sharings from Facebook connections.

As the days go by, some situations are worsening as the real damage is realized, assessed and acted upon
or; “not” acted upon for any number of valid reasons.

Dirty germy water, water and fire destroyed homes, parts of homes, cars, garbage, animals and I am sure there will be
discoveries of people that did not evacuate, or were caught in elevators, or just out wandering in the streets “unaware”. Yes, some I am sure, were still “unaware” for one reason or another. Not being PRESENT in their own minds or bodies.

But, I have a sense that even if you were not personally effected by the storm, that “Collectively” you may
be feeling the loss, the pain and suffering of those who have. We are all part of the human race and all part of each other.

What can I do to help, is the question I am asking myself now. Even if it is something small, it is something, and
if we all did something small it would become something big. There must be many different kinds of needs from
money to food to clothing, and prayer, of course.

As the world experiences more and more of these natural and unnatural calamities, the world seems to be shrinking, doesn’t it? It’s all beginning to effect ALL.

With and without Sandy the Storm, I know many who are going through their very own personal storm. They have not named it perhaps, but it’s raging nevertheless. It could be the storm of divorce, loss of a job, career, loss or change in one’s health or capabilities, or a move that has been difficult.

We can learn to weather our personal storms if we reach out for support, help, or guidance. Often we do need to ask, or the help won’t come. It can come in many forms. Limitless, and unexpected forms. Exciting and happy, freeing ways.

I have found my life coaching associates to be a huge comfort and source of strength as I go through and have gone through certain life challenges that I found difficult and a bit frightening to go through alone. This is one reason why I chose to become a life coach back 10 years ago, with The Empowerment Institute out of Rhinebeck, New York. It is why I chose to expand my knowledge and skills with Heart Intelligence work with Christian Pankhusrt and his Accelerated Awakening Academy last year.

Coaching is a relatively new and expanding field of work, and it is soooo needed in our world. So many people are dissatisfied, unfulfilled, not earning enough or enjoying enough, not partnering with appropriate people on an intimate or business level, and feeling energetically depleted, exhausted and bummed out in general. Stess is at an all time high, and people’s health is deteriorating.

The GREAT NEWS is that much of this can be turned around in the coaching process/practice. New ways to look at life can be extremely liberating and empowering. And, it does not have to take years to change your direction from what you don’t like to what you DO like. It just takes PRACTICING some new ways of thinking. But first, you have to learn the new ways! And one of the most important ways is to get in touch with your HEART…. and FEEL what is really, really going on in there, and then to take action based upon those feelings. Inspired action, in a new direction.

If you want to learn more about Coaching in general, Heart Intelligence Coaching, or Core Beliefs Coaching, and even take advantage of a complimentary session with me, you can contact me at my email address; and we will talk and set something up over the phone or on Skype. I love this work and look forward to meeting the new people who are curious about how they can begin to create a life of passion, juice, energy, and of their dreams!

Heart Intelligence; What is it?

Tej Steiner is the original teacher of Heart Circles. I have been learning Heart Intelligence from Christian Pankhurst, winner of Britain’s Next Top Coach, in his Accelerated Awakening Academy Course .

It is all about tuning into the knowledge that your heart holds. Your intimate, personal truth, that only you possess.  By accessing this truth, you can begin to integrate and live out a truly authentic life. No more living from “conditioning”, no more living what someone “else” wants or thinks is best for you, but living out your truth; TRUTH.

When you come from a place of Heart Intelligence, you are empowered. No one can take your truth away from you.   No one can make you doubt yourself. You no longer need to live in fear, fear others or their choices, or allow them to dis-empower you in any way. When  you come from your “head” , that is not the case. Being too much in your head can lead to what some term “analysis paralysis”….. where you think wwwwaaaaayyyyy too much, and still usually make the choice that is not most beneficial to yourself or others.  Too much ego gets involved with the heady intellect.

How do you access Heart Intelligence? By coming into a place of “FEELING”.  You must make the shift from your head and all that thinking, thinking, thinking, to your heart, where you can feeeeeeellllllll.  What will you feel? I don’t know, but when you take the time to give  your heart a chance to speak, it will be only honest with you. Your tongue may lie, but your heart always speaks the truth. Maybe your heart desires for you to be “held” by the strong, supportive embrace of someone, maybe it wants to walk out in nature alone for a while, maybe it wants a hot fudge sunday….

I don’t know your heart, but I know mine better and better as the days pass. Now I tune into my heart often; many times a day, and ask; “what next?”, “where do I go next? to what piece of work or to which physical place or to what person”. My desire is for everything thing I do to come from my heart; not from conditioning or worse yet some kind of dispassionate “obligation”. How untrue would I be to MYSELF if I have to force or discipline myself to do that which does not come from love? How fake, how Un-Authentic, how totally useless.

Heart Intelligence is kind and loving and nurturing and expansive. Heart Intelligence allows for personal growth, for everyone. Those not growing in deeper spiritual ways yet, may not understand it, therefore may suffer due to lack of knowledge and understanding; from things perceived with the lenses of their multiple dysfunctions. But one day we will all grow to the same place of unity.

How long will that take? I don’t know that either, but if you are familiar with the 100th Monkey Concept, it could be soon. For now, I would encourage you to order Tej Steiner’s book about Heart Circles, as well as look up Christian Pankhurst on youtube for more info on Heart Intelligence. Tej’s book is an , easy, practical read that will, no doubt change your life, as it is doing mine. I have felt more LOVE in my heart since being exposed to this practice, than ever before in my life, and am now sharing it with my coaching clients with great results.

Questions? Email me at ;