December 1st, 2012 Jalapeno Jelly Makin’ Day! The Lesson

Outside, the woods are dusted with tiny snowflakes. Inside, my kitchen is dusted with sugar for measuring out the 6 cups it takes to make this Jalapeno Jelly recipe I have not made in decades, but am going to finish up here today.

One thing I will make sure I do NOT do is to stick my fingers into my eyes, should they itch, or near any other sensitive part of myself! If you have done this, you know why I will not repeat such a foolish action. No time goes so slow as that when healing a jalapeno eyeball!

No one who is balanced enjoys inflicting pain on themselves or any other way. Yet, many of us, silly human beings, choose actions, behaviors, habit patterns, thoughts, that create pain for ourselves; over, and over and over again. We know that to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result is insanity, right?

Why is it easy to remember NOT to stick jalapeno pepper fingers into one’s eyeball, but NOT SO EASY to remember that “if I keep thinking that negative, limiting, skeptical, judgmental belief, I will NEVER attract the opportunity, mate, adventure, health or finances I want”. One reason is because with the first example, you get IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK; PAIN in the EYE; red, screaming hot, knife digging pain in the sensitive eye. It is QUITE an anchor!!! Your body REMEMBERS it.

The pain you get from the negative, limiting, skeptical, judgmental beliefs, isn’t quite as BLATANT. It sort of creeps in slowly and steadily, under the radar, and depresses you a little bit at a time, like a slow drip method of torture.
A bit of skepticism today, a couple of negative comments with a friend tomorrow, a steady stream of self judgments, and the limiting beliefs you inherited from your culture, likely even your family or origin, your educational system or perhaps even from the spiritual beliefs you were taught as a child. All that “stuff” goes into the “pot” of your life and you become numb, because the pain of the reality you are creating is too painful to realize at the time, so you just dumb down, numb out, UNTIL, things get so bad you begin to feel PAIN. The pain can’t be squashed down any more, and it wants to be FELT and DEALT with, SO YOU CAN BE FREE OF IT! So you can move out and onward in your life in a healthy, fulfilling, joyous, prosperous, empowered way!

Where are YOU with Pain in your life today? Are you squirreling it away, saving it for another day? Storing up nuts of pain because you don’t want to deal with it today? You don’t want to give it the time and the attention it would take to work things through? You don’t feel you know WHO can support you in working on the pain to diminish and release it? Or, is it that you are still so numb that you don’t fully realize just HOW MUCH pain you are carrying, and how much vital force it is taking OUT OF YOU DAILY. This includes taking a toll on your physical body as well. Stress, the silent killer. Maybe you don’t want to spend the money on the professional help? Money won’t matter if you wait too long and fall apart at the seams because you can’t HOLD THE PAIN any longer. “Emotions buried alive never die”, is the name of a book, but also a powerful truth. Nothing is going to go away until you deal with it on a CONSCIOUS LEVEL.
So, what’s a few bucks? What is a few hundred dollars going to mean to you if you are so depressed, so dry, so lacking in vitality that you aren’t enjoying life? Money or the feeling that one does not have money for their own health and well being is just another excuse.

Excuse? Yes, we humans are GREAT at making excuses for ourselves. I say ourselves, because most everyone around us sees right through it and us, and so we are only fooling ourselves. We make excuses many times because we are lazy or afraid of what we will “uncover” about our selves. We are afraid of our own “shadows” and thus they maintain power over us. We on some level may not feel we deserve better, so we inflict any strange manner of physical, mental or emotional pain upon ourselves as a way to punish ourselves or some guilt we may feel.

HOWEVER; I believe one of the biggest reasons we make excuses and avoid our own healing is that we are afraid we will have to, God forbid, CHANGE SOMETHING in our lives. Duh? “You mean, in order to STOP this pain of fighting with my spouse, I will actually have to stop lying and cheating?” DUH, Duh, Duh? …… “Oh, you mean that in order to stop the pain of being late to work, feeling lousy, and dragging my butt, I will have to stop drinking like a fish?” Duh, duh, duh,…… “Oh, you mean in order for me to loose 50 pounds, I will have to STOP EATING all the quick carb foods, and fatty meats with gravy, and dessert?” Duh, duh, duh….


SO, would you rather experience pain, or make a change? What feels better to you. Do a test on yourself. Do you feel better when you live in integrity and speak the truth to your spouse? When you refrain from alcohol abuse, when you eat well proportioned and healthy meals with sufficient water for your weight? OR, do you feel better cheating, lying, drinking your butt off, and eating like an unconscious, uneducated excuse for a “human being”? You tell me what feels better to you.

So …..then, why not repeat the behavior that makes you feel BETTER, ALL THE TIME? Instead of “occassionally”?

Why stick a jalapeno pepper finger in your own eye?

Think about that next time you find you have slipped back into that painful pattern you have designed for yourself.
Think about that Jalapeno Pepper finger you are jamming (no pun intended) in your delicate eye.
Isn’t it time to stop that?

Onward, with the gentle reminder I do “Core Beliefs Coaching” and would be happy to do a complimentary session with you so that you can see, feel, for yourself,what coaching is about and how it can help YOU, make positive, powerful, liberating changes in your own life.

For today, Be Kind to Yourself,

Welcome to my New Followers!

Thank you for feeling that my content is interesting or informative enough for you to follow!

It obviously is, to ME, lol lol ol… .or I wouldn’t be wasting my time writing about any of it, right?!

It seems we are hit with certain themes, at certain times in our lives. It could be one is being “hit with” the lesson of developing a more positive attitude in life about a person, situation, event, or just in general. Until we “get it” that we maybe have been more “negative” than we realized, and shift that around to being more positive, believing instead of doubtful, allowing instead of condemning, forgiving instead of being unforgiving, loving instead of withholding love or worse yet, hating……. Until we GET IT that a shift of our ATTITUDE is what is called for in order to have our lives improve both specifically and as a whole, we will be hit with that “theme” relating to our attitude.

So, what THEME is coming up in YOUR LIFE these days? Take a few moments to be quiet and ask yourself that question.
It could be anything. It’s about that part of you that is ready to grow now; that is seeking to expand and improve.

My current THEME is CONTROL. I am very aware of control issues; that is such a biggie for so many of us. And since I have studied human excellence, psychology, spiritual growth and evolution, life coaching and many related modalities for the past 20 years, plus my college and some graduate school, I am very very very aware of the sneaky, tricky, and subconscious angels that CONTROL ISSUES can take.

The bottom line, so as not to write a book here about this is that; WE MUST FOCUS ON CONTROLLING OURSELVES. No one else. We have the power and ability to learn how to manage ourselves, but to even hope that we are going to control anyone else, or their lives, situations, outcomes, etc. is pure ridiculous and a total waste of our time and energy.

So, what to do? When the actions of someone else are driving you nuts; it’s time to learn to remind yourself that no matter how much more you may KNOW, or how insightful you ARE, or wise, clear, or even psychic, 🙂 🙂 :), YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE PERSON WHO YOU FEEL IS DRIVING YOU NUTS. SO, what you can do is CHANGE YOURSELF.

1. Decide to take a different action in regards to them. Maybe you need to separate yourself from that person physically; take a walk, find another room, or dig into something you enjoy, rather than engaging with the “other”.

2. Remind yourself often; that you can only control yourself.

3. Determine what you can put your attention on that will change your state; ie; something you enjoy doing, which could be ANYTHING that changes your state. Go shopping, do art, read a great book, go visit friends, call someone you love, join some support type group…. but CHANGE YOUR FOCUS from the “other” to YOU.

4. Meditate. Ground yourself. Connect with your Source, however you experience that. If you don’t know how to do that, find someone to help you grow in that area. That could be me, or anyone you choose. There are many of us out in the world now that are helping others in this way.

5. Practice will be necessary for all this; but in particular, learning to TRUST that there IS a reason why things are happening the way they are. That there is a “lesson” that needs to be learned regarding this ISSUE OF CONTROL. Once learned the scenario will change. The person or situation will be resolved, solved, or disappear from your life.
But, it must be learned or it will present itself to you time and time again UNTIL you do learn the lesson; so why waste time. Learn it NOW, so as to avoid more pain and suffering, or frustration.

6. Do something physical to release your physical anger or frustration. SOMETHING HEALTHY, like swimming, walking, running, playing a game of tennis etc…. roller blade, mow the lawn!!!!! Clean the garage!!!!

7. KNOW that believe it or not; Everyone is doing the best they can in any possible moment. That seems crazy, I know, but it is true. Given what we know at any moment, we ARE doing THE BEST WE CAN. Of course this shows just how much we all have to learn, right? But that is why we are here!!!! This is “school”… cosmic Earth School, and we are all here….. and, actually chose to be here. You know, that FREE WILL thing? Remember? Likely not; most of us don’t. We get here and as we grow up we forget that we made the choice to embody on the planet at this particular time. So, we may as well get with the program, learn, evolve and ENJOY the process and the new, expanded awareness and ever widening consciousness about worlds we cannot even imagine right now, but that are perhaps much closer than we have thought.

8. It is time to WAKE UP… and learn to keep the focus on US. How WE respond to the outside world is in our control. Not what happens out there, but how we PERCEIVE IT and RESPOND to it, ACT as a result of it. Let’s get busy; we have alot to work on.

If you have a desire to learn more about Core Beliefs Coaching, please feel free to contact me via my email at jeanneprom at yahoo dot com. Perhaps a complimentary session would give you the knowledge you need to realize just how helpful, supportive and empowering, coaching can be. Anyone desiring improvement in any area benefits from having a coach, and that is the same with personal growth. What it takes is not something we ever learned in school, UNFORTUNATELY. Likely we didn’t learn ENOUGH of it in our families or in our churches, either. BUT, we can learn it now. It is what has moved me along in my life, more than any other type of healing or modality I have worked with; and it was my reason for going into this as a professional career. I KNOW the changes it can make in you, and hold that space FOR you to safely explore yourself and integrate all parts of yourself in a most healthy, loving way.

For now; Brightest Blessings,