Welcome to my New Followers!

Thank you for feeling that my content is interesting or informative enough for you to follow!

It obviously is, to ME, lol lol ol… .or I wouldn’t be wasting my time writing about any of it, right?!

It seems we are hit with certain themes, at certain times in our lives. It could be one is being “hit with” the lesson of developing a more positive attitude in life about a person, situation, event, or just in general. Until we “get it” that we maybe have been more “negative” than we realized, and shift that around to being more positive, believing instead of doubtful, allowing instead of condemning, forgiving instead of being unforgiving, loving instead of withholding love or worse yet, hating……. Until we GET IT that a shift of our ATTITUDE is what is called for in order to have our lives improve both specifically and as a whole, we will be hit with that “theme” relating to our attitude.

So, what THEME is coming up in YOUR LIFE these days? Take a few moments to be quiet and ask yourself that question.
It could be anything. It’s about that part of you that is ready to grow now; that is seeking to expand and improve.

My current THEME is CONTROL. I am very aware of control issues; that is such a biggie for so many of us. And since I have studied human excellence, psychology, spiritual growth and evolution, life coaching and many related modalities for the past 20 years, plus my college and some graduate school, I am very very very aware of the sneaky, tricky, and subconscious angels that CONTROL ISSUES can take.

The bottom line, so as not to write a book here about this is that; WE MUST FOCUS ON CONTROLLING OURSELVES. No one else. We have the power and ability to learn how to manage ourselves, but to even hope that we are going to control anyone else, or their lives, situations, outcomes, etc. is pure ridiculous and a total waste of our time and energy.

So, what to do? When the actions of someone else are driving you nuts; it’s time to learn to remind yourself that no matter how much more you may KNOW, or how insightful you ARE, or wise, clear, or even psychic, 🙂 🙂 :), YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE PERSON WHO YOU FEEL IS DRIVING YOU NUTS. SO, what you can do is CHANGE YOURSELF.

1. Decide to take a different action in regards to them. Maybe you need to separate yourself from that person physically; take a walk, find another room, or dig into something you enjoy, rather than engaging with the “other”.

2. Remind yourself often; that you can only control yourself.

3. Determine what you can put your attention on that will change your state; ie; something you enjoy doing, which could be ANYTHING that changes your state. Go shopping, do art, read a great book, go visit friends, call someone you love, join some support type group…. but CHANGE YOUR FOCUS from the “other” to YOU.

4. Meditate. Ground yourself. Connect with your Source, however you experience that. If you don’t know how to do that, find someone to help you grow in that area. That could be me, or anyone you choose. There are many of us out in the world now that are helping others in this way.

5. Practice will be necessary for all this; but in particular, learning to TRUST that there IS a reason why things are happening the way they are. That there is a “lesson” that needs to be learned regarding this ISSUE OF CONTROL. Once learned the scenario will change. The person or situation will be resolved, solved, or disappear from your life.
But, it must be learned or it will present itself to you time and time again UNTIL you do learn the lesson; so why waste time. Learn it NOW, so as to avoid more pain and suffering, or frustration.

6. Do something physical to release your physical anger or frustration. SOMETHING HEALTHY, like swimming, walking, running, playing a game of tennis etc…. roller blade, mow the lawn!!!!! Clean the garage!!!!

7. KNOW that believe it or not; Everyone is doing the best they can in any possible moment. That seems crazy, I know, but it is true. Given what we know at any moment, we ARE doing THE BEST WE CAN. Of course this shows just how much we all have to learn, right? But that is why we are here!!!! This is “school”… cosmic Earth School, and we are all here….. and, actually chose to be here. You know, that FREE WILL thing? Remember? Likely not; most of us don’t. We get here and as we grow up we forget that we made the choice to embody on the planet at this particular time. So, we may as well get with the program, learn, evolve and ENJOY the process and the new, expanded awareness and ever widening consciousness about worlds we cannot even imagine right now, but that are perhaps much closer than we have thought.

8. It is time to WAKE UP… and learn to keep the focus on US. How WE respond to the outside world is in our control. Not what happens out there, but how we PERCEIVE IT and RESPOND to it, ACT as a result of it. Let’s get busy; we have alot to work on.

If you have a desire to learn more about Core Beliefs Coaching, please feel free to contact me via my email at jeanneprom at yahoo dot com. Perhaps a complimentary session would give you the knowledge you need to realize just how helpful, supportive and empowering, coaching can be. Anyone desiring improvement in any area benefits from having a coach, and that is the same with personal growth. What it takes is not something we ever learned in school, UNFORTUNATELY. Likely we didn’t learn ENOUGH of it in our families or in our churches, either. BUT, we can learn it now. It is what has moved me along in my life, more than any other type of healing or modality I have worked with; and it was my reason for going into this as a professional career. I KNOW the changes it can make in you, and hold that space FOR you to safely explore yourself and integrate all parts of yourself in a most healthy, loving way.

For now; Brightest Blessings,

Day 3; Review of 50 Ways to see thru people by Vernon Howard….

Let us continue with this real quick review of the little green booklet that can help you clarify some mind clutter. By that I mean the perpetual unanswered questions that rotate around your head, that if you had answers for you would be more peaceful and clear. You would be more apt to hear the new information that would like to reach your brain!

4. …. “False men and women want only false things from other men and women. Since falseness is all they value, it is all they can desire.”

I am just hitting on the high points. If you want you can order the booklet on Amazon or go to Vernon’s website ; http://www.anewlife.org
Lots of good reads there.

5. A Wise question; ….”Question the motives of those who make requests of you. Discover what they really want. You may not want to give it.”

6. People in Power; …….”A certain number of people seek power over other people in a desparate attempt to find themselves. They fail, for self -discovery is spiritual in nature, not social or political”

7. Be in Charge; …… (hmmm did you really realize this?) “You are carefully studied by everyone you meet. While appearing casual, the friend or stranger is intensely interested in discovering a certain fact about you. He wants to know your weak point.”

I will end here today, as I think this last point is really powerful and I hope it “lands” with you. You know; sinks into your brain/thoughts. 🙂

Here is to being conscious, alert, awake, aware, all for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling, joyous life!
As another author , Stuart Wilde, says, and I love it; “Life was not meant to be a struggle”.
Blessings every day,

Levels of Consciousness from David Hawkins book Power vs. Force

In order for a person to move from the place they are at in life, say a time of anger or frustration…. to a better feeling place, they need to be able to consciously identify exactly what they are feeling. Yes, by God….. ” I am flippin’ angry” (at so and so for such and such). Whether of not their anger is justified or not, if they are feeling it, it is real to them, and that anger feeling is sending out a frequency that is attracting to them, MORE things, people, events, circumstances, to be “angry” about. So, that is why it is an excellent goal to do whatever it takes to shift from that space of anger to a higher state of feeling/being.

Steven Hawkins wrote a very powerful little book called “Power vs. Force”. In it there is a chapter on the different levels of consciousness, or feelings that we humans experience in our lifetimes. The lower the frequency, the more negative or unhappy it is, and the higher the frequency, the happier the person is.  Here is a brief list of the levels of consciousness, starting with the lowest. I highly recommend you read this book to learn more about where you get your power from and the difference between “power” and “force”. The following is directly from the blog of Steve Pavlina who’s website is at; www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/04/levels-of-consciousnes/

“Guilt; A step above shame, but you still may be having thoughts of suicide. You think of yourself as a sinner, unable to forgive  yourself for past transgressions.

Apathy; Feeling hopeless or victimized.  The state of learned helplessness. Many homeless people are stuck here.

Grief; A state of perpetual sadness and loss.  You might drop down here after losing a loved one. depression. Still higher than apathy, since you’re beginning to escape the numbness.

Fear; Seeing the world as dangerous and unsafe. Paranoia. Usually you’ll need help to rise above this level, or you’ll remain trapped for a long time, such as in an abusive relationship.

Desire; Not to be confused with setting and achieving goals, this is the level of addiction , craving , and lust- for money , approval, power, fame, etc.  Consumerism. Materialism. This is the level of smoking and drinking and doing drugs.

Anger; The level of frustration, often from not having your desires met at the lower level. This level can spur you to action at higher levels, or it can keep you stuck in hatred. In an abusive relationship, you’ll often see an anger person coupled with a fear person.


Pride; The first level where you start to feel good, but it’s a false feeling. It’s dependent on external circumstances (money, prestige, etc.) so it’s vulnerable. Pride can lead to nationalism, racism, and religious wars. Think Nazis. A state of irrational denial and defensiveness.  Religious fundamentalism is also stuck at this level. You become so closely enmeshed in your beliefs that you see an attack on y our beliefs as an attack on you.

Courage; The first level of true strength.  I’ve made a previous post about this level; Courage is the Gateway. This is where you start to see life as challenging and exciting instead of overwhelming.  You begin to have an inkling of interest in personal growth , although at this level you’ll probably call it something else, like skill building, career advancement, education, etc.  You start to see your future as an improvement upon your past, rather than a continuation fo the same.

Neutrality; This level is epitomized of the phrase, “live and let live”. It’s flexible, relaxed, and unattached. Whatever happens, you roll with the punches.  You don’t have anything to prove. you feel safe and get along well with other people.  A lot of self -employed people are at this level.  A very comfortable place.  The level of complacency and laziness.  You’re taking care of your needs, but you don’t push yourself too hard.

Willingness;  Now that you’re basically safe and comfortable, you start using your energy more effectively.  Just getting by isn’t good enough any more.  You begin caring ab out doing a good job-perhaps even your best.  you think about time management and productively and getting organized, things that weren’t so important to you at the level of neutrality.  think of this level as the development of willpower and self-discipline.  These people are the “troopers” of society; they  get things done well and don’t complain much.  If you’re in school, they you’re a really good student; you take your studies seriously and put in the time to do a good job.   This is the point where your consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.

Acceptance;  Now a powerful shift happens, and you awaken to the possibilities of living proactively.  at the level of willingness you’ve become competent, and now you want to put your abilities to good use.  This is the level of setting and achieving goals.  I don’t like the label ” acceptance” that Hawkins uses, here, but it basically means that you begin accepting responsibility for your role in the world.  If something isn’t right about your life ( your career, your health, your relationship ), you define your desired outcome and change it.  You start to see the big picture of your life more clearly.  This level drives many people to switch careers, start a new business, or change their diets.

Reason;  At this level you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begin  to think clearly and rationally.