Day 3; Review of 50 Ways to see thru people by Vernon Howard….

Let us continue with this real quick review of the little green booklet that can help you clarify some mind clutter. By that I mean the perpetual unanswered questions that rotate around your head, that if you had answers for you would be more peaceful and clear. You would be more apt to hear the new information that would like to reach your brain!

4. …. “False men and women want only false things from other men and women. Since falseness is all they value, it is all they can desire.”

I am just hitting on the high points. If you want you can order the booklet on Amazon or go to Vernon’s website ;
Lots of good reads there.

5. A Wise question; ….”Question the motives of those who make requests of you. Discover what they really want. You may not want to give it.”

6. People in Power; …….”A certain number of people seek power over other people in a desparate attempt to find themselves. They fail, for self -discovery is spiritual in nature, not social or political”

7. Be in Charge; …… (hmmm did you really realize this?) “You are carefully studied by everyone you meet. While appearing casual, the friend or stranger is intensely interested in discovering a certain fact about you. He wants to know your weak point.”

I will end here today, as I think this last point is really powerful and I hope it “lands” with you. You know; sinks into your brain/thoughts. 🙂

Here is to being conscious, alert, awake, aware, all for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling, joyous life!
As another author , Stuart Wilde, says, and I love it; “Life was not meant to be a struggle”.
Blessings every day,