Continuation of Vernon Howards “50 Ways to See Thru People”; #24, #25, #26

#24 Vernon writes about Defeated Faces; saying that some people are not happy unless they are miserable. Sounds crazy? Not really. People like this don’t want to hear about anything positive; they prefer to live in their familiar, negative drama. It is all they know. They use this “negative, sorrowful disposition” as a means of attracting attention. It is not GOOD attention, but they ARE attracting attention, which is “energy”.

Funny thing about “energy”. We all need it. We all are giving and or receiving energy all the time. When we are poor at creating our own energy in a positive way, we actually seek out “others” who are higher energy, to unconsciously siphon energy from. Sort of like a psychic , energetic “vampire”. Of course “most” people don’t know if we are doing this.

So, when someone looks or acts “defeated” , “down”, “depressed” , “hopeless”, “negative”, “doubt filled”, “skeptical” etc. KNOW that that does not have to influence you. Stand firm in the knowledge that you were born to experience JOY!

#25 The Recipe: Don’t use “Society’s Recipe” for a better life. In general, “society” isn’t the best guide. Our society seems to be falling apart at the seams lately. What we need is to be so connected to our Source, that we live our truth, live the true essence of who we are, a high frequency, heart intelligent life, connected to other compassionate, kind, non-judgemental, accepting, generous, thoughtful, creative, people. How do we become connected?
We must take time out; quiet down, and listen to the voice of our Heart, which is always ready to guide us to Peace, the best places, situations, and people. We won’t have to worry about seeing thru people who are there to hurt us, use us, or pull us off our path, if we are connected to our Divine Source.

#26 The Only Security: People can exploit you if you are insecure, for the purpose of getting their own needs met. They promise you security to get what they want. HOWEVER, dear reader, the ONLY security you or I can ever have is found in Eternal Truth. No human being can promise us safety. No Mother, Father, Husband, Employer, Sibling, Neighbor, Mentor, Priest, etc…. they are all human, too, and promising something to someone, forever, is a daunting, and likely an impossible task. We may wish to create safety or security for someone our whole lives, but life has a way of showing us time and time again, that our only security is in the Eternal, Universal Laws and Truths.

Good for today? I hope this finds you well. As always I invite your feedback, comments, suggestions, additions!
Brightest Blessings, Jeanne

Welcome to my New Followers!

Thank you for feeling that my content is interesting or informative enough for you to follow!

It obviously is, to ME, lol lol ol… .or I wouldn’t be wasting my time writing about any of it, right?!

It seems we are hit with certain themes, at certain times in our lives. It could be one is being “hit with” the lesson of developing a more positive attitude in life about a person, situation, event, or just in general. Until we “get it” that we maybe have been more “negative” than we realized, and shift that around to being more positive, believing instead of doubtful, allowing instead of condemning, forgiving instead of being unforgiving, loving instead of withholding love or worse yet, hating……. Until we GET IT that a shift of our ATTITUDE is what is called for in order to have our lives improve both specifically and as a whole, we will be hit with that “theme” relating to our attitude.

So, what THEME is coming up in YOUR LIFE these days? Take a few moments to be quiet and ask yourself that question.
It could be anything. It’s about that part of you that is ready to grow now; that is seeking to expand and improve.

My current THEME is CONTROL. I am very aware of control issues; that is such a biggie for so many of us. And since I have studied human excellence, psychology, spiritual growth and evolution, life coaching and many related modalities for the past 20 years, plus my college and some graduate school, I am very very very aware of the sneaky, tricky, and subconscious angels that CONTROL ISSUES can take.

The bottom line, so as not to write a book here about this is that; WE MUST FOCUS ON CONTROLLING OURSELVES. No one else. We have the power and ability to learn how to manage ourselves, but to even hope that we are going to control anyone else, or their lives, situations, outcomes, etc. is pure ridiculous and a total waste of our time and energy.

So, what to do? When the actions of someone else are driving you nuts; it’s time to learn to remind yourself that no matter how much more you may KNOW, or how insightful you ARE, or wise, clear, or even psychic, 🙂 🙂 :), YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE PERSON WHO YOU FEEL IS DRIVING YOU NUTS. SO, what you can do is CHANGE YOURSELF.

1. Decide to take a different action in regards to them. Maybe you need to separate yourself from that person physically; take a walk, find another room, or dig into something you enjoy, rather than engaging with the “other”.

2. Remind yourself often; that you can only control yourself.

3. Determine what you can put your attention on that will change your state; ie; something you enjoy doing, which could be ANYTHING that changes your state. Go shopping, do art, read a great book, go visit friends, call someone you love, join some support type group…. but CHANGE YOUR FOCUS from the “other” to YOU.

4. Meditate. Ground yourself. Connect with your Source, however you experience that. If you don’t know how to do that, find someone to help you grow in that area. That could be me, or anyone you choose. There are many of us out in the world now that are helping others in this way.

5. Practice will be necessary for all this; but in particular, learning to TRUST that there IS a reason why things are happening the way they are. That there is a “lesson” that needs to be learned regarding this ISSUE OF CONTROL. Once learned the scenario will change. The person or situation will be resolved, solved, or disappear from your life.
But, it must be learned or it will present itself to you time and time again UNTIL you do learn the lesson; so why waste time. Learn it NOW, so as to avoid more pain and suffering, or frustration.

6. Do something physical to release your physical anger or frustration. SOMETHING HEALTHY, like swimming, walking, running, playing a game of tennis etc…. roller blade, mow the lawn!!!!! Clean the garage!!!!

7. KNOW that believe it or not; Everyone is doing the best they can in any possible moment. That seems crazy, I know, but it is true. Given what we know at any moment, we ARE doing THE BEST WE CAN. Of course this shows just how much we all have to learn, right? But that is why we are here!!!! This is “school”… cosmic Earth School, and we are all here….. and, actually chose to be here. You know, that FREE WILL thing? Remember? Likely not; most of us don’t. We get here and as we grow up we forget that we made the choice to embody on the planet at this particular time. So, we may as well get with the program, learn, evolve and ENJOY the process and the new, expanded awareness and ever widening consciousness about worlds we cannot even imagine right now, but that are perhaps much closer than we have thought.

8. It is time to WAKE UP… and learn to keep the focus on US. How WE respond to the outside world is in our control. Not what happens out there, but how we PERCEIVE IT and RESPOND to it, ACT as a result of it. Let’s get busy; we have alot to work on.

If you have a desire to learn more about Core Beliefs Coaching, please feel free to contact me via my email at jeanneprom at yahoo dot com. Perhaps a complimentary session would give you the knowledge you need to realize just how helpful, supportive and empowering, coaching can be. Anyone desiring improvement in any area benefits from having a coach, and that is the same with personal growth. What it takes is not something we ever learned in school, UNFORTUNATELY. Likely we didn’t learn ENOUGH of it in our families or in our churches, either. BUT, we can learn it now. It is what has moved me along in my life, more than any other type of healing or modality I have worked with; and it was my reason for going into this as a professional career. I KNOW the changes it can make in you, and hold that space FOR you to safely explore yourself and integrate all parts of yourself in a most healthy, loving way.

For now; Brightest Blessings,

The STORM, “Sandy”…. in YOUR life

“Sandy” the storm of the Century and Beyond, has really done a job on our east coast of the USA.

Daily, we are all hearing about new scenarios, all very sad and difficult in their own unique ways.

New stories are emerging with people I meet, with emails I open, and sharings from Facebook connections.

As the days go by, some situations are worsening as the real damage is realized, assessed and acted upon
or; “not” acted upon for any number of valid reasons.

Dirty germy water, water and fire destroyed homes, parts of homes, cars, garbage, animals and I am sure there will be
discoveries of people that did not evacuate, or were caught in elevators, or just out wandering in the streets “unaware”. Yes, some I am sure, were still “unaware” for one reason or another. Not being PRESENT in their own minds or bodies.

But, I have a sense that even if you were not personally effected by the storm, that “Collectively” you may
be feeling the loss, the pain and suffering of those who have. We are all part of the human race and all part of each other.

What can I do to help, is the question I am asking myself now. Even if it is something small, it is something, and
if we all did something small it would become something big. There must be many different kinds of needs from
money to food to clothing, and prayer, of course.

As the world experiences more and more of these natural and unnatural calamities, the world seems to be shrinking, doesn’t it? It’s all beginning to effect ALL.

With and without Sandy the Storm, I know many who are going through their very own personal storm. They have not named it perhaps, but it’s raging nevertheless. It could be the storm of divorce, loss of a job, career, loss or change in one’s health or capabilities, or a move that has been difficult.

We can learn to weather our personal storms if we reach out for support, help, or guidance. Often we do need to ask, or the help won’t come. It can come in many forms. Limitless, and unexpected forms. Exciting and happy, freeing ways.

I have found my life coaching associates to be a huge comfort and source of strength as I go through and have gone through certain life challenges that I found difficult and a bit frightening to go through alone. This is one reason why I chose to become a life coach back 10 years ago, with The Empowerment Institute out of Rhinebeck, New York. It is why I chose to expand my knowledge and skills with Heart Intelligence work with Christian Pankhusrt and his Accelerated Awakening Academy last year.

Coaching is a relatively new and expanding field of work, and it is soooo needed in our world. So many people are dissatisfied, unfulfilled, not earning enough or enjoying enough, not partnering with appropriate people on an intimate or business level, and feeling energetically depleted, exhausted and bummed out in general. Stess is at an all time high, and people’s health is deteriorating.

The GREAT NEWS is that much of this can be turned around in the coaching process/practice. New ways to look at life can be extremely liberating and empowering. And, it does not have to take years to change your direction from what you don’t like to what you DO like. It just takes PRACTICING some new ways of thinking. But first, you have to learn the new ways! And one of the most important ways is to get in touch with your HEART…. and FEEL what is really, really going on in there, and then to take action based upon those feelings. Inspired action, in a new direction.

If you want to learn more about Coaching in general, Heart Intelligence Coaching, or Core Beliefs Coaching, and even take advantage of a complimentary session with me, you can contact me at my email address; and we will talk and set something up over the phone or on Skype. I love this work and look forward to meeting the new people who are curious about how they can begin to create a life of passion, juice, energy, and of their dreams!